Parent-Teacher Partnership Modules Translated into Spanish / Módulos de Socios de Padres y Maestros

Module 1: Overview and Kickoff / Módulo 1: Descripción general y Kickoff

Click here to access a zip file of all Module 1 documents in Spanish.


Module 2: Respect and Communication / Módulo 2: Respeto y Comunicación

Click here to access a zip file of all Module 2 documents in Spanish.


Module 3: Equality and Decision-Making / Módulo 3: Igualdad y Toma de Decisiones

Click here to access a zip file of all Module 3 documents in Spanish.


Module 4: Competence, Parenting, & Learning at Home / Módulo 4: La Competencia, La Crianza y El Aprendizaje en el Hogar

Click here to access a zip file of all Module 4 documents in Spanish.


Module 5: Advocacy and Collaborating with the Community / Módulo 5: Defensa y Colaboración con la Comunidad

Click here to access a zip file of all Module 5 documents in Spanish.


Module 6: Commitment and Volunteering / Módulo 6: Compromiso y Voluntariado

Click here to access a zip file of all Module 6 documents in Spanish.


Module 7: Trust / Módulo 7: Confianza

Click here to access a zip file of all Module 7 documents in Spanish.


Module 8: Next Steps in Partnerships for Student Outcomes / Módulo 8: Próximos pasos en las alianzas para los resultados de los estudiantes

Click here to access a zip file of all Module 8 documents in Spanish.


Disclaimer: Contents were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education, #323A120002-13 and adapted in 2017 by The Ohio State University.  However, the contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, Jennifer Coffey.