Ohio Family Engagement Professionals Database

About this Database

Ohio is privileged to have a wide array of family-facing professionals to support families of students with disabilities and other families who may face significant challenges supporting their child’s education and well-being. These professionals all have unique services and supports for families and together, they offer a system of supports for Ohio families. This database is for facilitating the awareness and collaboration of these professionals to provide the best support for each family. The purpose is to assist professionals in connecting and working together with other family-facing professionals. Working together, professionals and their organizations will be able to reach and support more Ohio families. At the bottom of the database we share more about each organization and professional.

More about Each Organization and Professional Role

ESC Family and Community Partnership Liaisons 
Family and Community Partnership Liaisons of Ohio Education Service Centers work with district leaders in their service area to identify, engage, support and ultimately meet the needs of Ohio’s most vulnerable students and their families. A Family and Community Partnership Liaison manages a regional process designed to identify gaps in services and ultimately link students and families to appropriate state and local community resources.
The seven groups of families supported through this work include: • Families of students with disabilities • Families of English Learners • Migrant families • Families of justice involved youth • Military families • Families of students experiencing homelessness • Foster care families

Find out more information here: ODE link

Ohio Family and Children First Council – FCFC County Contact

Ohio Family and Children First (OFCF) is a partnership of state and local government, communities and families that enhances the well-being of Ohio’s children and families by building community capacity, coordinating systems and services, and engaging families. OFCF’s vision is for every child and family to thrive and succeed within healthy communities.  Your county’s Family and Children First Council (FCFC) connects the dots to eliminate redundancy and bring resources together for planning, monitoring, and improving outcomes for families and children. The Mission of County FCFCs is to increase the access, capacity and effectiveness of services for the most vulnerable of our county’s youth and their families whose needs extend beyond any one youth-serving program.
Find out more information here: Website

Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities (OCECD) – Information Specialists
OCECD’s programs help parents become informed and effective representatives for their children in all educational settings. In addition, youth are assisted to advocate for themselves. Through knowledge about laws, resources, rights and responsibilities, families are better able to work with agencies to ensure that appropriate services are received for the benefit of their sons and daughters.
Find out more information here: OCECD

Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities – Regional Offices   

OOD provides individuals with disabilities services and supports necessary to help them attain and maintain employment. Disabilities may include physical, intellectual, mental health, or sensory disabilities. Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services are customized for each individual through assessments and one-on-one meetings with professional VR Counselors. VR services are available in all 88 counties and include:• Evaluation and treatment of an individual’s disability;• Information and referral services;• Vocational counseling and training;• Job search and job placement assistance;• Educational guidance (tuition resources and other support);• Transportation services;• Occupational tools and equipment;• Personal attendant services (reader, interpreter, etc.).
Find out more here: OOD

Parent Mentors
Ohio’s Parent Mentor Project works with the families of students with disabilities and their schools to support educational success for students in the special education system. Since Parent Mentors themselves have children with disabilities, they are familiar with the special education system and can use their knowledge to help others. 
For more information: Ohio’s Parent Mentors

State Support Team – Family Engagement Consultants
Family Engagement consultants support: the implementation of family engagement focus integrated into DLTs, BLTs and TBTs and specific attention to curricula, instruction, and assessment as related to family engagement.Supporting the following:• Improving the quality of parent-teacher communication• Helping leaders and teachers gain the confidence and skills necessary to work with families• Developing home and school partnerships focused on student grade-level learning goals• Building community and creating a school culture that honors communities and families as partners• Designing and supporting the implementation of a statewide family engagement recognition program for schools and/or districts,  including the process, criteria, and programmatic elements.

Find more information: State Support Teams