Module 1: Overview and Kickoff

Mother with her son and daughter

In this module, parents and teachers are introduced to the Parent-Teacher Partnership Model, and discuss their beliefs about what supports and hinders partnerships. Parent and teacher co-facilitators guide the group in a discussion based on the facilitator slides. We recommend incorporating a “get to know you” activity, a video about the importance of parent-teacher partnerships, and a discussion of next steps for the school year.

Facilitator Documents

  1. PTP Mod 1 Facilitator Guide – Session Summary and Goals
  2. PTP Mod 1 Facilitator Guide – Session Materials
  3. PTP Mod 1 Facilitator PowerPoint Slides
  4. PTP Mod 1 Facilitator Notes – Session Highlights
  5. PTP Mod 1 Facilitator Notes – Implementation Check
  6. PTP Mod 1 Facilitator Instructions – Trust Arch Activity
  7. PTP Mod 1 Facilitator Video – Every Kid Needs a Champion

Participant Handouts

  1. PTP Mod 1 Participant Handout – Bright Ideas from this Session
  2. PTP Mod 1 Participant Handout – Relationships Visual
  3. PTP Mod 1 Participant Handout – Session Feedback Form
  4. PTP Mod 1 Participant Handout – Summary of PTP
  5. PTP Mod 1 Participant Handout – Learning Together Model

Click here to access the module materials in Spanish.

Click here to access a zip file of all Module 1 documents.

If you have trouble accessing any of these files, email for assistance.