Ohio’s Parent-Teacher Partnerships Model

What is the Parent Teacher Partnership Model?

The Parent-Teacher Partnership Model brings together a small group of family members and school staff a few times per year to discuss such topics as respect, communication, equality, and supporting student learning using a set of 8 suggested modules, which are listed below. Families and schools implement this model for an opportunity for honest and open, two-way communication towards school improvement and family well-being. Parents/caregivers and teachers co-facilitate meetings, to model to the group that families are equal partners. This model is meant to connect with the Ohio Improvement Process and other models of school improvement being implemented in Ohio schools. The lessons learned in meetings are communicated to Teacher, Building, and Leadership Teams to shift mindsets and practices. While the modules are designed to go in order, they can be adapted and used to meet your local needs. The modules are available in English and Spanish. Within each module you will find everything you need to facilitate the session, such as slides, handouts, video clips, and feedback forms. Click on the modules below to get started.


Link to Module 1: Overview of the Parent-Teacher Partnerships Model and Kickoff
Link to Module 5: Advocacy and Collaborating with the Community
Link to Module 2: Respect and Communication
Link to Module 6: Commitment and Volunteering
Link to Module 3: Equality and Decision-Making
Link to Module 7: Trust
Link to Module 4: Competence, Parenting, and Learning at Home
Link to Module 8: Next Steps in Partnerships for Student Outcomes

Recommended Texts

While the module materials above are free to download, if you are implementing the PTP modules at a school, we highly recommend that you purchase the following 2 texts. Throughout the module slides, there are references to these texts, and recommended pages to copy and hand out to participants.

  1. Epstein, J. L., Sanders, M. G., Simon, B. S., Salinas, K. C., Jansorn, N. R., & Van Voorhis, F. L. (2002). School, family, and community partnerships: Your handbook for action. Corwin Press.
  2. Turnbull, A. A., Turnbull, H. R., Erwin, E. J., Soodak, L. C., & Shogren, K. A. (2015). Families, professionals, and exceptionality: Positive outcomes through partnerships and trust. Pearson.

These contents were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education, #323A120002-13 and adapted in 2017 by The Ohio State University.  However, the contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, Jennifer Coffey.