Ohio Network of Partnership Schools
We selected the Partnership Schools approach to implement in 96 Ohio schools between 2020-2023, with training and technical assistance provided during that time frame by Dr. Joyce Epstein at John’s Hopkins. In addition, as of 2020 all of Ohio’s 16 regional State Support Teams have Partnership Schools coaches who can support district staff wanting to learn about and/or implement the Partnership Schools approach. From 2023 onward, we will continue to provide professional development and coaching support to this Ohio network of schools, districts, and regional coaches. We also plan to scale up implementation to new districts and schools in Ohio, in partnership with the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce and the National Network of Partnership Schools team.
Student Voice
Our student voice project offers articles and presentations educators and others can use to strengthen student voice in family engagement. Visit this page for updates from a new research study and for new resources created by our team.
Our Guide to Choosing a School in Ohio
There are many reasons families might choose one type of school over another. Our Guide to Choosing a School in Ohio provides families with information and tools to help make school choices in Ohio. Each year we make updates to this resource to stay current with Ohio’s school choices.
Dyslexia Communication Tools
Our Center is currently partnering with the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, Ohio families, and educators to develop sample communication tools and guidance for schools related to Ohio’s Dyslexia Laws. These resources are aligned with Ohio’s Dyslexia Guidebook for schools, and can be copied/adapted for local use.
Pathways to Success
Pathways to Success is a workshop for families of English Learner students in Ohio to build their capacity to support their child’s education. To access these workshop materials, family-facing professionals from education and community organizations must attend a facilitator workshop. Facilitators agree to deliver the workshop to families at least one time in their community or school district.
The Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center’s GrandUnderstandings project is designed to provide resources to assist grandfamilies and the educators who support them. We provide infographics with resources for grandparent caregivers, sample school communications, and a research brief with many ideas for educators.
Mental Health
Families and schools both play a critical role in supporting the mental health of children and adolescents. While individuals can make a difference on their own, when schools and families come together, the impacts can be amplified. Our ongoing mental health project has resulted in a research brief for educators, videos for educators and families, and Ohio family stories about how they support mental health in partnership with their child’s school.
Middle School Family Engagement
Our Middle Ground project at the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center provides educators and families with research-based tips and opportunities for launching middle schoolers’ success.
Middle Years to Careers
Research shows the middle school years are the most appropriate time for students to start engaging in self- and career-exploration. At the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center, we recognize the impact that families, schools, and community partners have on students’ career development. Our goal is to provide valuable information, tools, and resources that can assist all stakeholders as they support students in their career journey. We’ve made a research brief for educators, family/student activity guides, and career conversation starters for families.
Money Talks Modules
Money Talks is a short, family-friendly online series about talking to your middle school child about money. For each of 5 topics, you will find conversation starters to use at home, quotes from parents/caregivers like you, games, activity ideas, and other resources. This series is available in English and Spanish.
Multi-Tiered Approach to Family Engagement (MTSS)
Schools often organize their work into tiers. Using our resources, you can plan multi-tiered systems of support for family engagement in your school or district.
Partnerships for Literacy
Partnerships for Literacy© is a program designed to be implemented by a local elementary school team using an implementation guide developed by our team. It is a systematic approach to family and community engagement in early literacy that is sustained over time, goal oriented, and develops the capacity of both educators and families.