Everyone benefits when schools actively engage in their local community’s system of supports that provide families with information, resources, and services. The following resources align with the Ohio Whole Child Framework’s “Community Involvement” component. These resources support strategic and well-coordinated school-community partnerships that generate equitable outcomes for students and families.

Ohio Regional Story: “Treasure Your Family” Recognized as Outstanding Student Program
This story was originally printed in the Gallia-Vinton ESC Newsletter in October 2023. “To bring awareness to Child Abuse Prevention Month and to focus on

Ohio Community Partner Story: The vital role of cultural brokers for strong family-school partnerships
The following text is from an interview with Jhuma Acharya, a parent representative on our State Advisory Council. Describe yourself and your work with the

Video: How community organizations, schools, and families can work together to support early childhood literacy
The Regional Educational Laboratory (REL Midwest) and Chicago public broadcasting station WTTW produced “a 19-minute documentary about how community organizations can incorporate literacy development into

Resources for Schools to Strategically Engage Community Partners
In Ohio, charter schools are often called community schools. In many other states, “community school” has a different meaning. The Coalition for Community Schools promotes

Ohio School Story: Cincinnati’s Roll Hill School Partners with Local Non-Profit to Host Jam Sessions for Families, Students, and Staff
We love this story from Cincinnati, because it is an example of family engagement that is sustained throughout the school year (monthly), FUN, brings in

Ohio School Story: Roberts Paideia in Cincinnati Hosts Second Annual Parent Day Conference
Cincinnati Public School Roberts Paideia Academy hosted a Parent Learning Day Conference in December 2018. We are highlighting this family engagement story because it is