This story was originally printed in the Gallia-Vinton ESC Newsletter in October 2023.
“To bring awareness to Child Abuse Prevention Month and to focus on positive family engagement, the Gallia-Vinton ESC in partnership with Gallia County Commissioners and Gallia County Job and Family Services created the “Treasure Your Family” initiative. The program allows families to take part in a series of special activities as a family unit. Based on a calendar of suggested activities, families travel throughout the county enjoying local sites and resources as well as creating their own family events. Participating families earn prizes such as board games, movie tickets, books, and camping gear. A culminating adventure is held and has included a cruise down the Ohio River on the Belle of Cincinnati, a mystery dinner theatre, and a Willy Wonka themed event.
A special award was given to the Gallia-Vinton Educational Service Center at a recent Ohio School Boards Association Southeast Regional Fall Conference held at Alexander High School. Treasure Your Family was named the Outstanding Student Program in Southeast Ohio (18 County Region). Over 3,000 students and their family members have participated in the program over the past three years. GVESC staff coordinating the Treasure Your Family program are David Moore, Gwen Daniels, Connie Bradbury, Karen Boch, and Brack Houchens.”
For more information about the event, contact Dr. Denise Shockley at the Gallia-Vinton ESC.