Ways to Support Your Child’s Mental Health and Well-being in Partnership with their School

Here are 5 research-based tips for supporting your child’s mental health and well-being in partnership with their school. This 1 page document is available to download below. We also share stories and quotes below from Ohio families, about the daily ways they support their child and partner with their school to ensure they are able to learn and grow.

Tip 1: Help your child know they belong in the school community.
Talk about school often at home! Ask about schoolwork, other kids in class,               and about their teacher. Celebrate what they are learning. 
Support your child’s participation in extracurricular activities (like sports or      afterschool programs). Talk with them about what they want to try.
Try saying "Can you believe all of these new things you are learning?"

Tip 2: Support your child’s relationship with their teacher. 
Ask your child which teachers or other adults at school they know.
Make sure the teacher or school counselor knows if your child feels lonely or unwelcome at school.
Try saying "Who is the adult at school that is most special to you?"

Tip 3: Experience family and school routines and traditions together. 
Use household routines that promote structure, responsibility, and fun              (Example: Singing a silly song while you take out the trash together).
Celebrate school traditions with your child (Example: Attending school concerts).
Try saying "Let’s make this a fun, 
family tradition."

Tip 4: Support behaviors that build success and well-being.
Talk about healthy sleeping habits, like setting a regular bedtime.
Encourage activities that build focus and self-control, such as playing board games and following a daily schedule.
Try saying "Let’s set ourselves up for a good day."

Tip 5: Continue to build good relationships at home. 
Have fun together as a family by playing games, making food together, having a family movie night, etc.
Have simple, daily conversations with your child about school, friends, and more. 
Try saying "How are you feeling about [fill in the blank]?"

Family Stories and Quotes

Experience family and school routines and traditions together.
"We share our weekly goals with each other on Sundays as a family." - Ohio Parent
Continue to build good relationships at home.
“I am teaching my kids self-praise. If no one is there to do it for them, they can say, “Hey self, you did a great job!”” – Ohio Parent
Support behaviors that build success and well-being.
“At bedtime, I set up 5-10 minutes time with my kids. Not reading or homework time. Just a simple positive prayer for the day. Then giving thanks to those who helped them during the day. We say sorry to anyone who they hurt – we ask forgiveness. Or we say sorry to anyone who hurt them. We wish them a good sleep. We put positive thoughts inside of them. That’s my personal experience. My little one reminds me now, “Is it time to say prayer?” – Ohio Parent
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You might also enjoy reading our research brief on school-family partnerships in support of student mental health, or visiting a similar page for families of adolescents/teens.