Supporting Student Growth Over the Summer

The five resources featured below contain family-friendly ideas to encourage growth in math, reading, internet/technology use, and typing over the summer and beyond!


This “Start with a Book” website allows families to register to have reading tips delivered by text message three times a week. The reading tips give parents and caregivers ideas for how to encourage and talk about reading with kids of all ages.


The Bedtime Math website has short math stories for families to share at bedtime and quick math questions by age level.

Internet Use

Free lessons from Commonsense Media sorted by grade-level. Provide educators and families with ideas for age-appropriate digital citizenship skill development. For example, this family resource called “Help Kids Fight Cyberbullying and Other Mean Online Behavior.”

Technology Use

This website answers common questions that families might have about learning with technology, including how to select educational apps, how to keep kids motivated, and short videos to explain concepts.

Learn to Type

The free Typing Club program helps kids learn traditional typing, including home row and the balance between speed and accuracy. Skills are introduced gradually with lots of practice to build confidence.