Information for Families about Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

What is “Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports”? What does it look like in schools for children and families? Watch the video below from the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce about how Ohio schools reinforce positive behavior, and to learn about how Ohio families like you can and do support positive behavior at home.

Brochures and PowerPoint Presentations

The resources below provide a brief introduction for families about how their school and others in Ohio are working to create caring, supportive learning environments for all students. Download the slides and informational brochures below to learn more about PBIS. The brochures are available in English, Spanish, and Somali. The PowerPoint presentations are only in English.






Brochure for Elementary
and Middle School Families



Available in: English, Spanish, Somali






Brochure for Middle
and High School Families



Available in: English, Spanish, Somali







Supporting Positive Behavior at School Slides, an introduction for families


PowerPoint Slides





PBIS at Home slides, version 2/24/2017


PowerPoint Slides