Families and schools both play a critical role in supporting the mental health of children and adolescents. While individuals can make a difference on their own, when schools and families come together, the impacts can be amplified. This page contains publications for educators on this topic, videos for educators and families, and family stories about how they support mental health.

Research Brief: Partnering with Families to Support Mental Health
The Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center created this brief for school personnel to use in partnership with families in support of students’ mental health. The strategies and tips contained in this brief can contribute to positive outcomes for students.
Ways to Support Your Child’s Mental Health and Well-being in Partnership with their School
Here are 5 research-based tips for supporting your child’s mental health and well-being in partnership with their school. This 1 page document is available to download below. We also share stories and quotes below from Ohio families, about the daily ways they support their child and partner with their school to ensure they are able to learn and grow.

Ways to Support Your Adolescent’s Mental Health and Well-being in Partnership with their School
Here are 5 research-based tips for supporting your middle or high schooler’s mental health and well-being in partnership with their school. This 1 page document is available to download below. We also share stories and quotes below from Ohio families, about the daily ways they support their adolescent and partner with their school to ensure they are able to learn and grow.
Video and Discussion Guide: Partnering with Families to Support Student Mental Health
In this video, Drs. Patrick Cunningham and Meredith Wellman from the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center share 5 research-backed strategies for schools to consider as they partner with families for student mental health and well-being.
Video: Partnering with Schools to Support your Child’s Mental Health and Well-Being
In this video, we share 5 research-backed strategies for families to consider as they partner with schools for student mental health and well-being, along with examples of how Ohio parents and caregivers are supporting their children.

Video and Discussion Guide for Educators