Partnerships to Support Student Mental Health

Families and schools both play a critical role in supporting the mental health of children and adolescents. While individuals can make a difference on their own, when schools and families come together, the impacts can be amplified. This page contains publications for educators on this topic, videos for educators and families, and family stories about how they support mental health.

Research Brief: Partnering with Families to Support Mental Health

The Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center created this brief for school personnel to use in partnership with families in support of students’ mental health. The strategies and tips contained in this brief can contribute to positive outcomes for students.

Ways to Support Your Child’s Mental Health and Well-being in Partnership with their School

Here are 5 research-based tips for supporting your child’s mental health and well-being in partnership with their school. This 1 page document is available to download below. We also share stories and quotes below from Ohio families, about the daily ways they support their child and partner with their school to ensure they are able to learn and grow.

Ways to Support Your Adolescent’s Mental Health and Well-being in Partnership with their School

Here are 5 research-based tips for supporting your middle or high schooler’s mental health and well-being in partnership with their school. This 1 page document is available to download below. We also share stories and quotes below from Ohio families, about the daily ways they support their adolescent and partner with their school to ensure they are able to learn and grow.

Video and Discussion Guide: Partnering with Families to Support Student Mental Health

In this video, Drs. Patrick Cunningham and Meredith Wellman from the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center share 5 research-backed strategies for schools to consider as they partner with families for student mental health and well-being.

Video: Partnering with Schools to Support your Child’s Mental Health and Well-Being

In this video, we share 5 research-backed strategies for families to consider as they partner with schools for student mental health and well-being, along with examples of how Ohio parents and caregivers are supporting their children.

Video and Discussion Guide for Educators

In this video, we share 5 research-backed strategies for schools to consider as they partner with families for student mental health and well-being.

Video for Families

In this video, we share 5 research-backed strategies for families to consider as they partner with schools for student mental health and well-being, along with examples of how Ohio parents and caregivers are supporting their children.
Experience family and school routines and traditions together.
"We share our weekly goals with each other on Sundays as a family." - Ohio Parent
Continue to build good relationships at home.
“I am teaching my kids self-praise. If no one is there to do it for them, they can say, “Hey self, you did a great job!”” – Ohio Parent
Support behaviors that build success and well-being.
“At bedtime, I set up 5-10 minutes time with my kids. Not reading or homework time. Just a simple positive prayer for the day. Then giving thanks to those who helped them during the day. We say sorry to anyone who they hurt – we ask forgiveness. Or we say sorry to anyone who hurt them. We wish them a good sleep. We put positive thoughts inside of them. That’s my personal experience. My little one reminds me now, “Is it time to say prayer?” – Ohio Parent
Help your teen know they belong in the school community.
“My daughter had a hard time fitting-in at school after COVID remote learning. Not having friends, and social anxiety. She was really depressed being at home by herself. She really had a hard time. We talked about what she was feeling. I would turn everything off, the television, the phone, and just listen. “What can I do for you? At home and at school.”
Continue to build nurturing relationships at home.
“My son went through a very tough time. He had a hard time keeping up with the academics of his private high school. He was a very good athlete, but I had to help build his confidence in his ability to do the work. It was extremely tough for him emotionally. His senior year, we took him out of that school because he was having such a tough time. He ended up doing extremely well in the public school his senior year. That time we had–me keeping his morale up and helping him understand that not everything is for every child, helping him understand he was capable–it was very valuable as a dad. And his academics ended up being straight A’s his senior year. I really feel that knowing your children and knowing what they’re capable of is very helpful.” – Ohio Parent
Help your teen know they belong in the school community.
“My daughter is finding her way by being active in a school club. I’m encouraging her to step out of her comfort zone. It was uncomfortable for her, trying something different. She’s somewhat of an introvert. So that was kind of a goal – to have her sign up for one club. This year, she’s a captain of a club. She has a leadership role and has to talk in front of people. I didn’t ask her to run for captain, it just fell in her lap. I told her, “It’s ok to be scared and nervous.” My daughter felt like people all had their own social groups. I let her choose. I said, “I really need you to keep an open mind about what you want to do, and the choices you want to make.” She went to all the clubs they had an informational day. Now she is part of the Girls 2 Women group at Cincinnati Public.” – Ohio Parent
Support behaviors that build success and well-being.
“My daughter is hard on herself. I’m trying to help her create balance. Every night, we talk about her day. I say, “Tell me what made it good.” I have to pull. One thing we are always working on is giving her permission to forgive herself, and be okay with making mistakes. They happen. Then you have to know that none of us are perfect. In order for us to grow every day, to be the best version of ourselves, you have to give yourself some grace. She was sad because she had studied for AP chemistry, and she’s been having a difficult time with it. She didn’t do well on a test. She was trying to figure out where she went wrong. I can’t tell her what she missed as her parent, but I try to lead and guide her to backtrack. “When did you start studying? Did you have notes? Did you go to your teacher’s study session?” All the things that led up to the test. “What could you have done differently?” There are some thing that she might pick out. I’m trying to let her discover. People think when they are in high school, you need to step back. You still have to keep in touch. That phone, what are they doing, staying up late. But she’s hard on herself. I’m giving her permission to cry, to be sad, and for all those things, and to be happy, but then channel that, once you get to that point, to get out of it. Find her own solution. Helping her walk through the process of it.” – Ohio Parent
Help your teen know they belong in the school community.
“I’ve noticed that when my kids are in sports, they do better academically and socially. They care more. The routine and schedule help them. If they have from right after school at 2:30 pm until bedtime to get their homework done, it gives them a lot more time to procrastinate. If they’ve got practice, it puts things on a tighter timeline and it makes them feel like they have to be more productive with their time. The short time between school and practice–they’ve got to utilize that. There is less time for distraction. Also, with sports, they have one additional person in their coach, who is not their parent, talking with them about their work and emphasizing that they need to take care of themself.” – Ohio Parent
Experience family and school routines and traditions together.
"We share our weekly goals with each other on Sundays as a family." - Ohio Parent
Continue to build good relationships at home.
“I am teaching my kids self-praise. If no one is there to do it for them, they can say, “Hey self, you did a great job!”” – Ohio Parent
Support behaviors that build success and well-being.
“At bedtime, I set up 5-10 minutes time with my kids. Not reading or homework time. Just a simple positive prayer for the day. Then giving thanks to those who helped them during the day. We say sorry to anyone who they hurt – we ask forgiveness. Or we say sorry to anyone who hurt them. We wish them a good sleep. We put positive thoughts inside of them. That’s my personal experience. My little one reminds me now, “Is it time to say prayer?” – Ohio Parent
Help your teen know they belong in the school community.
“My daughter had a hard time fitting-in at school after COVID remote learning. Not having friends, and social anxiety. She was really depressed being at home by herself. She really had a hard time. We talked about what she was feeling. I would turn everything off, the television, the phone, and just listen. “What can I do for you? At home and at school.”
Continue to build nurturing relationships at home.
“My son went through a very tough time. He had a hard time keeping up with the academics of his private high school. He was a very good athlete, but I had to help build his confidence in his ability to do the work. It was extremely tough for him emotionally. His senior year, we took him out of that school because he was having such a tough time. He ended up doing extremely well in the public school his senior year. That time we had–me keeping his morale up and helping him understand that not everything is for every child, helping him understand he was capable–it was very valuable as a dad. And his academics ended up being straight A’s his senior year. I really feel that knowing your children and knowing what they’re capable of is very helpful.” – Ohio Parent
Help your teen know they belong in the school community.
“My daughter is finding her way by being active in a school club. I’m encouraging her to step out of her comfort zone. It was uncomfortable for her, trying something different. She’s somewhat of an introvert. So that was kind of a goal – to have her sign up for one club. This year, she’s a captain of a club. She has a leadership role and has to talk in front of people. I didn’t ask her to run for captain, it just fell in her lap. I told her, “It’s ok to be scared and nervous.” My daughter felt like people all had their own social groups. I let her choose. I said, “I really need you to keep an open mind about what you want to do, and the choices you want to make.” She went to all the clubs they had an informational day. Now she is part of the Girls 2 Women group at Cincinnati Public.” – Ohio Parent
Support behaviors that build success and well-being.
“My daughter is hard on herself. I’m trying to help her create balance. Every night, we talk about her day. I say, “Tell me what made it good.” I have to pull. One thing we are always working on is giving her permission to forgive herself, and be okay with making mistakes. They happen. Then you have to know that none of us are perfect. In order for us to grow every day, to be the best version of ourselves, you have to give yourself some grace. She was sad because she had studied for AP chemistry, and she’s been having a difficult time with it. She didn’t do well on a test. She was trying to figure out where she went wrong. I can’t tell her what she missed as her parent, but I try to lead and guide her to backtrack. “When did you start studying? Did you have notes? Did you go to your teacher’s study session?” All the things that led up to the test. “What could you have done differently?” There are some thing that she might pick out. I’m trying to let her discover. People think when they are in high school, you need to step back. You still have to keep in touch. That phone, what are they doing, staying up late. But she’s hard on herself. I’m giving her permission to cry, to be sad, and for all those things, and to be happy, but then channel that, once you get to that point, to get out of it. Find her own solution. Helping her walk through the process of it.” – Ohio Parent
Help your teen know they belong in the school community.
“I’ve noticed that when my kids are in sports, they do better academically and socially. They care more. The routine and schedule help them. If they have from right after school at 2:30 pm until bedtime to get their homework done, it gives them a lot more time to procrastinate. If they’ve got practice, it puts things on a tighter timeline and it makes them feel like they have to be more productive with their time. The short time between school and practice–they’ve got to utilize that. There is less time for distraction. Also, with sports, they have one additional person in their coach, who is not their parent, talking with them about their work and emphasizing that they need to take care of themself.” – Ohio Parent
Experience family and school routines and traditions together.
"We share our weekly goals with each other on Sundays as a family." - Ohio Parent
Continue to build good relationships at home.
“I am teaching my kids self-praise. If no one is there to do it for them, they can say, “Hey self, you did a great job!”” – Ohio Parent
Support behaviors that build success and well-being.
“At bedtime, I set up 5-10 minutes time with my kids. Not reading or homework time. Just a simple positive prayer for the day. Then giving thanks to those who helped them during the day. We say sorry to anyone who they hurt – we ask forgiveness. Or we say sorry to anyone who hurt them. We wish them a good sleep. We put positive thoughts inside of them. That’s my personal experience. My little one reminds me now, “Is it time to say prayer?” – Ohio Parent
Help your teen know they belong in the school community.
“My daughter had a hard time fitting-in at school after COVID remote learning. Not having friends, and social anxiety. She was really depressed being at home by herself. She really had a hard time. We talked about what she was feeling. I would turn everything off, the television, the phone, and just listen. “What can I do for you? At home and at school.”
Continue to build nurturing relationships at home.
“My son went through a very tough time. He had a hard time keeping up with the academics of his private high school. He was a very good athlete, but I had to help build his confidence in his ability to do the work. It was extremely tough for him emotionally. His senior year, we took him out of that school because he was having such a tough time. He ended up doing extremely well in the public school his senior year. That time we had–me keeping his morale up and helping him understand that not everything is for every child, helping him understand he was capable–it was very valuable as a dad. And his academics ended up being straight A’s his senior year. I really feel that knowing your children and knowing what they’re capable of is very helpful.” – Ohio Parent
Help your teen know they belong in the school community.
“My daughter is finding her way by being active in a school club. I’m encouraging her to step out of her comfort zone. It was uncomfortable for her, trying something different. She’s somewhat of an introvert. So that was kind of a goal – to have her sign up for one club. This year, she’s a captain of a club. She has a leadership role and has to talk in front of people. I didn’t ask her to run for captain, it just fell in her lap. I told her, “It’s ok to be scared and nervous.” My daughter felt like people all had their own social groups. I let her choose. I said, “I really need you to keep an open mind about what you want to do, and the choices you want to make.” She went to all the clubs they had an informational day. Now she is part of the Girls 2 Women group at Cincinnati Public.” – Ohio Parent
Support behaviors that build success and well-being.
“My daughter is hard on herself. I’m trying to help her create balance. Every night, we talk about her day. I say, “Tell me what made it good.” I have to pull. One thing we are always working on is giving her permission to forgive herself, and be okay with making mistakes. They happen. Then you have to know that none of us are perfect. In order for us to grow every day, to be the best version of ourselves, you have to give yourself some grace. She was sad because she had studied for AP chemistry, and she’s been having a difficult time with it. She didn’t do well on a test. She was trying to figure out where she went wrong. I can’t tell her what she missed as her parent, but I try to lead and guide her to backtrack. “When did you start studying? Did you have notes? Did you go to your teacher’s study session?” All the things that led up to the test. “What could you have done differently?” There are some thing that she might pick out. I’m trying to let her discover. People think when they are in high school, you need to step back. You still have to keep in touch. That phone, what are they doing, staying up late. But she’s hard on herself. I’m giving her permission to cry, to be sad, and for all those things, and to be happy, but then channel that, once you get to that point, to get out of it. Find her own solution. Helping her walk through the process of it.” – Ohio Parent
Help your teen know they belong in the school community.
“I’ve noticed that when my kids are in sports, they do better academically and socially. They care more. The routine and schedule help them. If they have from right after school at 2:30 pm until bedtime to get their homework done, it gives them a lot more time to procrastinate. If they’ve got practice, it puts things on a tighter timeline and it makes them feel like they have to be more productive with their time. The short time between school and practice–they’ve got to utilize that. There is less time for distraction. Also, with sports, they have one additional person in their coach, who is not their parent, talking with them about their work and emphasizing that they need to take care of themself.” – Ohio Parent