Family Survey: How well does our school support families of students with disabilities for the transition to life after high school?

The Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center developed a Family Survey in Spring/Fall 2020 for a school to use in assessing the quality of services provided to families of students with disabilities for planning for their child’s life after high school. This survey was developed in collaboration with Ohio’s Southwestern City School District and Kim Moritz, educational consultant from State Support Team Region 6. The survey is available in 3 languages (English, Spanish, and Somali).

It has 22 questions covering the following topics:

  • How families prefer to learn about transition resources
  • General comfort level with and preference for communication types (texting, online meetings, email, etc)
  • Barriers to families attending events
  • Perceptions of supports provided by the school for planning for life after high school for their child
  • Perceived social support for post-secondary planning
  • Cultural relevance of post-secondary planning supports
  • Comfort-level in IEP meetings and other meetings with the school

Are you planning to use this survey in your school or district? Send us a quick email to let us know, at!