Every elementary school in Ohio sends letters home to families every year. One such letter received by thousands of families lets a family know their child’s reading skills have been assessed and the child’s skills are not on track for their grade level. It is a letter about a Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plan. The letter describes the school’s plan to provide the instruction and supports the child will need to improve their reading skills. This letter, mandated in Ohio’s education policy Ohio Revised Code Section 3313.608(B)(2)(a), presents an opportunity to schools for setting a foundation for a partnership with families.
While there are mandated points that the school must communicate in the letter, schools may communicate this information to families in a way that opens the door to a partnership and a trusting relationship between home and school.
Use this Policy-Into-Practice brief from the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center to learn more about the State’s requirements for a Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plan notice for families and to analyze those communications sent by your school or district to see how well they build trust with families.