Dyslexia Alliance for Black Children
The Dyslexia Alliance for Black Children has many resources for parents on their website. For example, they have: – a series of videos of parents

New: Family to Family Newsletter
This bi-monthly newsletter for parents and caregivers of children includes resources for families to support their student’s success and connect with their child’s school and

Ways to Support Your Child’s Mental Health and Well-being in Partnership with their School
Here are 5 research-based tips for supporting your child’s mental health and well-being in partnership with their school. This 1 page document is available to

Ways to Support Your Adolescent’s Mental Health and Well-being in Partnership with their School
Here are 5 research-based tips for supporting your middle or high schooler’s mental health and well-being in partnership with their school. This 1 page document

Ohio Community Partner Story: The vital role of cultural brokers for strong family-school partnerships
The following text is from an interview with Jhuma Acharya, a parent representative on our State Advisory Council. Describe yourself and your work with the

Ohio Family Story: Grandfamilies…You Are Not Alone
“I got the phone call from the hospital that my baby was born,” said Pandora Pandora, a 2-time cancer survivor is a 65-year old mother