Stories about Fatherhood, Raising Grandchildren, and Co-Parenting

Carlos’ Story: “What Type of Father I want to Deliver to my Children”

Transcript (English)


In the video above, Ohio father Carlos shares about how he intentionally works toward being the best parent he can be. You can’t help but get pumped up and inspired by Carlos’ words.


What positive childhood memories do you have about your parents/caregivers? How can you work to replicate those experiences for your children? Watch and listen.


Share Carlos’ Story with others so they can hear a super energizing story about being the best parents/caregivers we can be!


Share on social media which experiences or people have shaped the kind of parenting adult you are or hope to be! Use hashtags: #OhioFamiliesEngage #Family2Family Twitter: @OhioEngage Facebook: @OhioSFEC

Pearl’s Grandfamily Story: “Every Day it Gets a Little Better”

In the video above, Ohio grandmother Pearl shares about how she is raising five grandchildren, working with schools and other community supports to ensure her grandchildren get the resources that they need to succeed. Pearl is an amazing individual, and we love her message to other Ohio grandparents raising grandchildren: “Be strong and just keep pushing on as much as you can push on. Take a step back, take a breather, and go back forth.”


In what ways has Pearl surrounded herself with a village of support for her and her grandchildren? Watch and listen.


Share Pearl’s Story with others so they can understand the hard work and dedication of Ohio’s grandfamilies, and be better partners with them.


Share your grandfamily story, or about the importance of grandparents in your life and for your education, on social media! Use hashtags: #OhioFamiliesEngage #GrandUnderstandings #Family2Family Twitter: @OhioEngage Facebook: @OhioSFEC

Heather’s Co-Parenting Story: “He had to write about his favorite family vacation…”

In the video above, Ohio mother Heather talks about working to alleviate the stress on her children when it comes to school assignments that might have them feeling like they are picking one co-parenting home over another. Heather started to create a loving, transformational space where stepfamily parents and their children can grow and learn that they are not alone. She is also the inspiration behind this Family to Family Video Series!


How does Heather ensure that her child’s family-oriented school assignments are a source of joy? Watch and listen.


Share Heather’s Story with others so they can hear an effective co-parenting strategy.



Share about how your stepfamily successfully works with Ohio schools on social media! Use hashtags: #OhioFamiliesEngage #Family2Family Twitter: @OhioEngage Facebook: @OhioSFEC

Want to contribute a video of your own? Email us at!

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