Colleagues know Paolo DeMaria as a passionate leader, a tireless worker, a respectful listener and an energetic advocate for Ohio’s 1.7 million students. All are qualities he has called on daily during his three years as Ohio’s superintendent of public instruction.
His proudest accomplishment is the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce’s partnership with stakeholders to develop Each Child, Our Future, Ohio’s strategic plan for education. He devotes his energy to realizing Ohio’s vision that each child is challenged to discover and learn, prepared to pursue a fulfilling post-high school path and empowered to become a resilient, lifelong learner who contributes to society.
Mr. DeMaria believes that everyone shares the responsibility of preparing children for successful futures. With educators, partners, community organizations and parents working together, Ohio’s 3,600 schools and thousands of teachers can create bright futures for our students and state.
Mr. DeMaria has served Ohio’s citizens for 28 years as an organizational leader, policy expert and education champion. His key roles have included chief policy advisor to Gov. Bob Taft, director of the Ohio Office of Budget and Management and executive vice chancellor of the Ohio Department of Higher Education.