Sample Dyslexia Screening Request Letter for Families

If your child has difficulties with learning at school, and you would like them to be screened for dyslexia, here are some ideas for how to work with your child’s school. 

  • First, become familiar with signs that your child might have dyslexia, and make note of your concerns about your child. 
  • Next, put your request in writing (email or printed letter) and send your request to your child’s teacher (homeroom or reading teacher). A sample request letter is below. Make sure to put the current date on your request, and keep a copy.
  • Sending this type of request to your child’s teacher should be enough. A screening is a very simple procedure that a teacher does in the classroom. Just like a doctor screens for illness with a thermometer, teachers can observe your child in the classroom and see if there are signs that your child might have dyslexia. If you do not hear back from the teacher within 3 business days, send the same message to the school principal, letting them know the date when you reached out to the teacher. 

Sample Request Letter

Dear Teacher,

I have noticed that my child, _____________, is having trouble in school with learning. I have noticed the following warning signs: ____________________. Given these warning signs, I would like my child to be screened for dyslexia as soon as possible. 

Please give me a call so that we can discuss next steps for the screening, and talk about other steps that can be taken to get my child more support in the classroom. 

Thank you, 

Parent/Caregiver Name 
