Do you need some videos to share with families with ideas for setting up successful learning at home environments? Or, are you a parent/caregiver needing some quick ideas for setting your kids up for success at home? Here are a few example videos that we’ve found from our partners in Ohio!
Option 1
Cincinnati Public Library hosted a session for families about setting kids up for success learning at home this school year. There are loads of practical tips throughout the video.
Video from Cincinnati Library (1 hour)
Option 2
Eakin Elementary in Columbus recorded a short, direct video for families with some basic ideas for organizing space and time for learning.
Option 3
This session from OCALI’s InspirEd Series focuses on supporting teachers and families by creating school-like environments and structures to help students connect their typical perception of school and instruction to learning in their home environment. The session also explores natural learning opportunities to build skills at home.