Every year, districts receive a Special Education Profile that shows whether they are meeting their goals, over time, for students with disabilities. The profiles are mostly numbers and graphs. Families trying to choose a school district for their children, or wanting to work with their child’s current school district to encourage improvement in certain areas could use this data to understand their school district’s performance and to start data-driven conversations with other families or school staff.
What you will find in the data profiles:
- Discipline discrepancies (Indicator 4a)
- Disproportionality (over-representation of minority students) in discipline rates (Indicator 4b);
- Disproportionality (over-representation of minority students) in special education (Indicator 9);
- Disproportionality (over-representation of minority students) in specific disability categories (Indicator 10);
- Initial (first) evaluation timelines (Indicator 11);
- Transition to preschool (Indicator 12);
- Transition from high school (Indicator 13);
- Timely correction of noncompliance (Indicator 15); and
- Submission of valid, reliable and timely data (Indicator 20).
- Graduation rates (Indicator 1);
- Graduation by standard requirements;
- Dropout rates (Indicator 2);
- Participation and performance on state assessments (Indicator 3);
- Participation in Alternate Assessments for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities;
- Least restrictive environment for school-age students (Indicator 5);
- Least restrictive environment for preschool students (Indicator 6);
- Preschool outcomes (Indicator 7);
- Parent involvement (Indicator 8); and
- Post-school outcomes (Indicator 14).
In the public version of each district’s profile, to ensure student privacy the Department does not show indicators for which there are fewer than 10 students included in the calculation. These indicators are displayed as “NR”. “NR” may also mean that a district reported no students for that indicator. Not all districts and community schools have data for each indicator.