Learning on Demand

Free videos and podcasts for those who work in schools to grow as professionals in the area of family engagement in education.

You might also want to check out our Family Engagement Leadership Summit Sessions! Learn more about our Center by watching our introduction video.

Session 1: Foundations of Family Engagement by Dr. Barbara Boone (24 min)
Session 2: Partnering with Families for Success in Middle School by Hadley Bachman (21 min)
Session 3: How can Universal Design for Learning Revive our Family Engagement by Dr. Barbara Boone and Ron Rogers (30 min)
Session 4: Beyond the Headcount: Goal-linked Measurement by Drs. Barbara Boone and Meredith Wellman (27 min)
Session 5: Measuring Family Engagement: An Introduction by Dr. Amanda Klein (18 min)
Session 6: Measurement in Practice: Cleveland Metropolitan School District’s Family Engagement Dashboard by Tracy Hill (23 min)
Session 7: Brief Introduction to Partnerships for Literacy, Systemic Family Engagement Practices & Examples of Home-based Literacy Supports (13 min)
Session 8: How Eakin Elementary School Supports Families During Remote Learning (3 min)
Session 9: How Eakin Elementary School Creates Accessible Forms and Supports for English Learner Families (6 min)
Session 10: How Eakin Elementary School Welcomes and Engages Somali Elders to Support Student Success (4 min)
Session 11: Successfully Launching Your Child’s Online Learning at Home by Hadley Bachman (58 min)
Session 12: Connecting With Schools as Kinship Caregivers by Drs. Barbara Boone and Kenyona Walker (42 min)
Session 13: Multi-tiered Systems of Support for Family Engagement by Dr. Barbara Boone and Hadley Bachman (93 minutes)
Session 14: Engaging and Supporting Families with a Multi-Tiered Approach (1 hour)
Session 15: Reframing Adolescence & Middle School Family Engagement (1.5 hours)
Session 16: Kinship Connections: How Schools Can Partner with Kinship Families (1 hour)
Session 17: Engage All Families Through a Multi-Tiered Approach by Dr. Barbara Boone and Hadley Bachman (70 minutes)
Session 18: Engaging Middle School Families by Hadley Bachman (60 minutes)
Session 19: Engaging Families for Student Mental Health and Wellness by Dr. Brett Zyromski and Patrick Cunningham (70 min)
Session 20: Partnering with Kinship Families Workshop (98 minutes)
Session 21: Partnerships to Support Children's Mental Health (29 minutes)


Podcasts & Episodes

Spotlight: OSU Family Engagement Center/Dr. Wellman at the Literacy Leaders Network in Ohio Region 13

In this episode of “On the Scene with Region 13,” Dr. Wellman shares with Regional Literacy Consultant Mary Williams about our Center’s mission, our supports for families and schools related to literacy, and what people can expect to see from the Center in the 2024-25 school year.

Family to Family: The Podcast

Join host Tom Capretta and producer Fara Allen as they hear the experiences, advice, and expertise of families on topics and questions about the education system. This podcast blends the stories of Ohio families with strategies from education professionals.

Middle School Family Engagement

In this podcast episode (#18) from Ohio’s State Support Team Region 11, Host Eric Neal interviews Hadley Bachman, Program Manager of Community Development at the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center at The Ohio State University. She specializes in middle school family engagement.

Beyond the Classroom: Engaging Families, Educators, and Learners

In this episode of CETE Works, Dr. Barbara Boone shares the critical importance of schools, families, and communities partnering together to support student learning.

Grandparents Raising Grandkids

In this podcast, Angela Provenzano, OSU doctoral student in Occupational Therapy shares her personal grandfamily story and her experience leading a support group for Ohio kinship caregivers. Dr. Barbara Boone of the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center shares resources to help schools reach out and support grandparents raising school age children.

Dear Highlights: Kids’ Letters about Back to School

In this podcast, Director Barbara Boone talks with Dear Highlights host Christine Cully about insights from her research on family-school relationships, and offers tips on how adults can support the kids in their lives and help them work through big feelings about the new school year. (Look for Aug 17 episode)

Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center

In this podcast episode (#6), Ohio State Support Team Region 11 talked with Director Barbara Boone about the work of the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center at The Ohio State University. Dr. Boone explains our approach to family engagement in education and what schools can be doing to partner with families during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Race in Education

In this podcast episode (#10), Ohio State Support Team Region 11 consultants Ugochi Akoi and Kimberly Brown, and Dr. Kenyona Walker from the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center at The Ohio State University. discuss race and education, a historical perspective.