The resources below are about how you, your child’s school, and community partners can support a smooth transition for your child from program to program, grade to grade, school to school, and/or after graduation!

Back to School Planning Tool for Families
When school starts there can be lots of changes for your family. This guide is a place to plan for the changes so the start

Disability Hub Minnesota: Youth in Transition Toolkit
This toolkit from Disability Hub Minnesota will introduce you to Minnesota’s youth in transition framework. Explore tools and resources you can use with the youth

Questions about Ohio’s High School Graduation Requirements? Open Office Hours
If you are a parent/caregiver, educator, student, or community partner and you have questions about Ohio high school graduation requirements, the Ohio Department of Education

Unlock Your Future: Learn about Ohio’s High School Graduation Requirements
At this Unlock Your Future website, developed by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, families and students will find information about Ohio’s high school

Special Education Evaluation Roadmap for Families with Children ages 3-21 (Available in 22 languages)
Schools in Ohio do an evaluation of students if they or their family suspects that they have a disability that impacts their learning. Navigating whether

Launching Success in the Middle School Years: Family Learning Pack for School Workshops
In this fully-prepared workshop for schools and community organizations to host for parents, grandparents, and other caregivers of middle schoolers, families will be introduced to