To join a session, visit our website on the day of the summit and select the session you’d like to attend for each time block. There will be a Join Session button on the day of the event. No registration or special code is required. To ensure a smooth session, please join on time and keep your microphone muted when you enter or room or are not speaking.
We are encouraging presenters to provide their materials and handouts one week in advance to our team, so that we can put the materials on our summit webpage. Each session’s description will have a link to any submitted session materials. Links to materials may also be shared in the chat by the session moderators.
If you want to receive contact hours, make sure to complete the evaluation survey at the end of the last session you attend. Moderators in each session will provide a code for the sessions you participated in. Keep track of them throughout the Summit. At the end of the day, use the evaluation survey to check the box for each session you attended and enter the corresponding code in the provided text box. We will verify your attendance and send a certificate within two weeks.
We encourage you to join our Top Hat discussion boards during and after the summit to share your thoughts, ask questions, and connect with others. Simply log in as an anonymous user using the “Join the Discussion” button on the Summit homepage, find the relevant board, and make a post. Don’t forget to include your name and organization. We look forward to your contributions and continued engagement beyond the summit!
The Main Room (where the Welcome and Keynote Sessions are held) is available throughout the day for participants to pop in and out to ask questions or request assistance. Join at any time using the keynote session link. Additionally, our moderators and IT Help Desk are available in every session for immediate help. Look for OSU after the moderator’s name or the profile picture with a question mark symbol. For immediate assistance, email
We are committed to providing reasonable accommodations. Live captioning will be provided at the keynote and lunch plenary. Zoom will provide closed captions throughout the entire event. Please submit additional accommodation requests by Friday, August 16 via email:
Katie Novak’s office hours with be held on Monday, September 23 at 3:00pm. To join the session, visit our Summit webpage the day of and select the join session button which will be near the top of the page. No registration or special code is required. To ensure a smooth session, please join on time and keep your microphone muted when you enter the room or are not speaking. This more informal discussion-based event will not be recorded.