Thank you for visiting our Social & Emotional Resources Hub. Click on the Resources below to learn more about how you can support students social and emotional well-being, which is part of ensuring they are successful in school! You can also click the search button at the top and type in a topic you are interested in learning more about. Have questions? Contact us at

Research Brief: Partnering with Families to Support Mental Health
The Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center created this brief for school personnel to use in partnership with families in support of students’ mental health. The

Mental Wellness Toolkit for School Staff, Students, and Families
This school wellness toolkit created by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce provides teachers, administrators, students, families, and communities with support to assist in

CDC Guide: Strategies for Family Engagement in School Health Services
This CDC Guide for family engagement in school health services (especially pages 10-23) contains numerous examples of how schools can work with families. This guidance

National PTA’s Digital Safety Resources for Families
National PTA’s “PTA Connected” page offers many great resources to understand how to guide your child or young adult towards responsible online activities, including use

U.S. Department of Education Parent and Educator Guide to School Climate Resources
This Guide from the U.S. Department of Education offers families and schools resources to improve their school’s climate. The purpose of the Guide is to

Which evidence-based mental health programs are being implemented in Ohio schools?
The Ohio Mental Health Network for School Success provides descriptions of evidence-based mental health programs being implemented in Ohio schools.