Note: Please complete your survey using the personalized link provided in your email. This copy of the questions is being shared so that you can see the full set of questions in advance in case you would like to print them off or get input from others before responding in the Qualtrics survey program.
District Administrator,
Thank you for agreeing to complete this survey about your district’s family engagement work to the best of your knowledge. If you have any questions, please reach out to
1. Your name ___________________________
2. Your email address _______________________________
3. District Name _________________________________________
4. Your role _________________________________________
5. Does your district currently provide trainings on family engagement for… If yes, please describe (topics, who provided).
Yes, No, or Unsure | Topics, Sources of Training | |
Teachers | ||
Administrators | ||
Front Office or Other Staff |
6. Our Center supports professional learning, coaching, and technical assistance for schools to implement an evidence-based family engagement model called the Partnership Schools model from Johns Hopkins University (commonly referred to as NNPS).
This model includes: 1) Professional learning opportunities for districts and schools, 2) Development of a school-level team and plan, and 3) Using data to improve over time. How interested would your district be in receiving training and coaching support to implement the Partnerships Schools model as an improvement strategy for schools in your district?
- Already implementing/Planning to implement NNPS
- Very interested
- Somewhat interested
- Not interested at this time
- Unsure
7. Does your district currently have a districtwide family engagement plan?
- Yes
- No
- Unsure
8. If applicable, is your districtwide family engagement plan aligned with your One Plan?
- Yes
- No
- Not applicable
- Unsure
9. How much district staff time (Percent of a full time position) is dedicated to overseeing family engagement efforts in your district?
- No staff time
- 1-25%
- 26-50%
- 51-75%
- 76-100%
- More than one full time position
- Unsure
10. If applicable – Which staff role(s) within your district are overseeing and supporting family engagement efforts?Â
11. What percentage of families in your district do you think your district is currently successfully partnering with to support their child or children’s education?
- 0-25%
- 26-50%
- 51-75%
- 76-100%
- Unsure
12. Are schools in your district required to develop a family engagement plan (or family engagement strategies within the larger school plan)?
- Yes
- No
- Unsure
13. Do schools in your district have a family engagement specialist on staff (such as a family liaison, family engagement coordinator, etc.)?
- Yes
- No
- Unsure
14. Are schools in your district required to have a team including family representatives that helps with school planning?
- Yes
- No
- Unsure
15. How does your district evaluate the impact of your family engagement efforts? Select all that apply.
- Family engagement is measured by its impact on student outcomes
- Annual survey of all families
- Informal feedback is provided by some families throughout the school year
- Focus groups/listening sessions with families
- Surveys at events for families
- Attendance at events
- No district-level evaluation is in place, but teachers/other staff may evaluate their efforts on their own.
- Unsure
- Other ________________________________________________
16. Your responses to this item will shape the content of upcoming professional development from our Center.
Our schools could benefit from professional development on…
(Select all that apply)
- Family engagement basics for educators
- Family engagement in Individualized Education Plans or other Special Education Supports
- Family engagement in Early Literacy
- Engaging families to improve attendance
- Family engagement in adolescent literacy
- Family engagement in the middle school years
- Family engagement in the high school years
- Family engagement in Mental Health/Trauma
- Family engagement in school improvement planning (One Needs Assessment, Ohio Improvement Process)
- Engaging families of English Learners
- Anti-racist family engagement policies and practices
- Collaborating with community partners to provide support and opportunities for families
- Family engagement in transitions (between schools, or post-secondary)
- Taking a Whole Child approach to engaging families
- Engaging with grandparents raising their grandchildren
- Building trust with families
- Family engagement in a Multi-Tiered System of Supports
- Family engagement in Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
- Engaging families during remote learning
- Other: _________________________________________
- Unsure