E-schools Information

Illustration of a file folder with a check box


  • Each school will have its own enrollment and application process.
  • Statewide schools enroll students living anywhere in the state.
  • District-sponsored online community schools usually only enroll students from that sponsoring district or from surrounding districts.
  • When enrolled in online community school, the student receives a computer at home and online access to the school.
Illustration of a checklist on a clipboard


  • E-schools have no academic or behavioral requirements.
  • Ohio law requires four face-to-face meetings between teachers and students each year.
Illustration of a hand

How to choose this type of school

Learn more about E-schools on the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce website, including a current list of all E-school options.

Illustration of a calendar


  • Enrollment is usually ongoing.

Learn more at the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce’s page on Standards for K-12 Online Learning.

This will take you to a list of all school options.

This will take you to more information about Ohio schools.