Indicator 8 Special Education Family Survey

The Individuals with Disabilities Act of 2004 requires state education agencies and local school districts to provide a variety of data and information to the US Department of Education. To address specific requirements, Ohio’s school districts and community schools send surveys to families of students with individualized education programs (IEPs). This annual survey is designed to assist in understanding parents and caregivers’ perceptions related to their involvement in their children’s educations and provides important information that can further inform family engagement efforts by schools, districts, state support teams and the Ohio Department of Education.

All of the school districts and community schools are split into 6 Cohorts.

School districts and community schools are required to participate in the Special Education Family Survey once every 6 years.

The Cohort 6 data collection period will open soon and more information will be sent to schools in March.

If you work with one of the listed districts, community schools, or ESCs serving them from the list below, please spread the word to families about the importance of completing the survey. More information will be shared with districts in March.

LEA Akron Career Tech High School IRN 019427 SST Region 8
LEA AkroTech High School IRN 020729 SST Region 8
LEA Alliance Academy Of Cincinnati IRN 000139 SST Region 13
LEA Amanda-Clearcreek Local IRN 046847 SST Region 11
LEA Antwerp Local IRN 048991 SST Region 1
LEA Arcadia Local IRN 047415 SST Region 1
LEA Arlington Local IRN 047423 SST Region 1
LEA Ashland County-West Holmes IRN 062042 SST Region 1
LEA Ashtabula County Technical And Career Center IRN 050815 SST Region 3
LEA Athens City IRN 043521 SST Region 16
LEA Austintown Local Schools IRN 048298 SST Region 5
LEA Avon Lake City IRN 048124 SST Region 2
LEA Avon Local IRN 048116 SST Region 2
LEA Barnesville Exempted Village IRN 045203 SST Region 12
LEA Batavia Local IRN 046300 SST Region 13
LEA Beacon Hill Academy IRN 012501 SST Region 9
LEA Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Local IRN 047274 SST Region 10
LEA Bellevue City IRN 043596 SST Region 2
LEA Berkshire Local IRN 047167 SST Region 4
LEA Black River Local IRN 048462 SST Region 8
LEA Bluffton Exempted Village IRN 045211 SST Region 6
LEA Boardman Local IRN 048306 SST Region 5
LEA Bowling Green City School District IRN 043638 SST Region 1
LEA Bristol Local IRN 050112 SST Region 5
LEA Broadway Academy IRN 012684 SST Region 3
LEA Brown Local IRN 046177 SST Region 12
LEA Bryan City IRN 043679 SST Region 1
LEA Buckeye Community School IRN 019152 SST Region 7
LEA Buckeye Community School - Fremont IRN 020754 SST Region 1
LEA Buckeye Community School - London IRN 019441 SST Region 11
LEA Buckeye Community School - Marion IRN 019442 SST Region 7
LEA Butler County Esc IRN 046086 SST Region 2
LEA Canton Local IRN 049833 SST Region 9
LEA Capital Collegiate Preparatory Academy IRN 017537 SST Region 11
LEA Career And Technology Educational Centers IRN 051201 SST Region 9
LEA Carey Exempted Village Schools IRN 045260 SST Region 7
LEA Case Preparatory Academy IRN 019221 SST Region 8
LEA Central Point Preparatory Academy IRN 019199 SST Region 11
LEA ChallengeU Ohio Community School IRN 020726 SST Region 13
LEA Charles School At Ohio Dominican University IRN 007999 SST Region 11
LEA Chillicothe City IRN 043745 SST Region 15
LEA Cincinnati Classical Academy IRN 019530 SST Region 13
LEA Cincinnati Technology Academy IRN 013864 SST Region 13
LEA Citizens Academy Southeast IRN 015261 SST Region 3
LEA City Day Community School IRN 134247 SST Region 10
LEA Clyde-Green Springs Exempted Village IRN 045302 SST Region 1
LEA Columbia Local IRN 048140 SST Region 2
LEA Community STE(A)M Academy - Xenia IRN 019602 SST Region 10
LEA Constellation Schools: Stockyard Community Middle IRN 012025 SST Region 3
LEA Cornerstone Academy Community School IRN 133439 SST Region 11
LEA Cory-Rawson Local IRN 047431 SST Region 1
LEA Crestview Local IRN 050351 SST Region 1
LEA Cuyahoga Heights Local IRN 046557 SST Region 3
LEA Cypress High School IRN 017497 SST Region 7
LEA Dayton Athletic Professional School IRN 015714 SST Region 10
LEA Dayton Business Technology High School IRN 008283 SST Region 10
LEA Dayton Career Tech High School IRN 019426 SST Region 10
LEA Dayton City IRN 043844 SST Region 10
LEA Deer Park Community City IRN 043851 SST Region 13
LEA Delaware City IRN 043877 SST Region 11
LEA Dublin Preparatory Academy dba Northside Preparatory Academy IRN 019227 SST Region 13
LEA East Bridge Academy Of Excellence IRN 000938 SST Region 11
LEA Eastern Local IRN 046037 SST Region 14
LEA Eastland Preparatory Academy IRN 014090 SST Region 11
LEA Elmwood Local IRN 050682 SST Region 1
LEA Explorers Academy of Science and Technology IRN 019474 SST Region 1
LEA Fairborn Digital Academy IRN 149088 SST Region 10
LEA Fairfield Preparatory Academy IRN 020759 SST Region 13
LEA Fairfield Union Local IRN 046870 SST Region 11
LEA Federal Hocking Local IRN 045914 SST Region 16
LEA Flex High School Cleveland IRN 019197 SST Region 3
LEA Focus Learning Academy Of Southwest Columbus IRN 142927 SST Region 11
LEA Focus Learning Academy of Central Columbus IRN 019235 SST Region 11
LEA Foxfire High School IRN 149328 SST Region 12
LEA Foxfire Intermediate School IRN 012033 SST Region 12
LEA Franklin City IRN 044008 SST Region 13
LEA Franklin Learning Academy IRN 020760 SST Region 11
LEA Franklinton High School IRN 019226 SST Region 11
LEA Franklinton Prep High School IRN 019201 SST Region 11
LEA Gallipolis City IRN 044032 SST Region 16
LEA Gateway Online Academy of Ohio IRN 020078 SST Region 3
LEA Geneva Area City IRN 044057 SST Region 5
LEA Gibsonburg Exempted Village IRN 045385 SST Region 1
LEA Great River Connections Academy IRN 017233 SST Region 11
LEA Greater Summit County Early Learning Center IRN 011381 SST Region 8
LEA Green Inspiration Academy IRN 134197 SST Region 3
LEA Green Local IRN 050013 SST Region 8
LEA Groveport Community School IRN 008287 SST Region 11
LEA Hamilton Cnty Math & Science IRN 143602 SST Region 13
LEA Hardin-Houston Local IRN 049791 SST Region 6
LEA Hinckley Preparatory Academy IRN 020188 SST Region 8
LEA Horizon Science Academy Columbus Middle School IRN 009179 SST Region 11
LEA Huber Heights Preparatory Academy dba Parma Academy IRN 017535 SST Region 3
LEA IDEA Greater Cincinnati, Inc IRN 020007 SST Region 13
LEA Istem Geauga Early College High School IRN 015329 SST Region 4
LEA Jackson-Milton Local IRN 048322 SST Region 5
LEA Kenmore Preparatory Academy dba Toledo Preparatory Academy IRN 017536 SST Region 1
LEA Labrae Local IRN 050245 SST Region 5
LEA Lake Erie College Preparatory School IRN 013132 SST Region 3
LEA Lake Erie International High School IRN 151183 SST Region 3
LEA Lakewood Local IRN 047993 SST Region 11
LEA Lawrence County IRN 051185 SST Region 10
LEA Legacy Academy of Excellence IRN 020091 SST Region 11
LEA Liberty Local IRN 050195 SST Region 5
LEA Licking Heights Local IRN 048009 SST Region 11
LEA Logan Elm Local IRN 049080 SST Region 11
LEA Lorain City IRN 044263 SST Region 2
LEA Lorain County Jvs IRN 051227 SST Region 11
LEA Lorain Preparatory High School IRN 020186 SST Region 2
LEA Lynchburg-Clay Local IRN 047639 SST Region 14
LEA Madison-Plains Local IRN 048272 SST Region 11
LEA Marion City IRN 044339 SST Region 7
LEA Marion Preparatory Academy IRN 017585 SST Region 7
LEA Maritime Academy Of Toledo, The IRN 000770 SST Region 1
LEA Marysville Exempted Village IRN 045476 SST Region 11
LEA Maysville Local IRN 048850 SST Region 12
LEA Middle Bass Local IRN 048959 SST Region 1
LEA Mid-East Career And Technology Centers IRN 051300 SST Region 13
LEA Midnimo Cross Cultural Community School IRN 000780 SST Region 11
LEA Mid-Ohio Esc IRN 123521 SST Region 6
LEA Midview Local IRN 048173 SST Region 2
LEA Milford Exempted Village IRN 045500 SST Region 13
LEA Miller City-New Cleveland Local IRN 049361 SST Region 1
LEA Minster Local IRN 045948 SST Region 6
LEA Mississinawa Valley Local IRN 046672 SST Region 10
LEA Monroe Preparatory Academy IRN 008064 SST Region 2
LEA Montgomery County Esc IRN 048660 SST Region 10
LEA Montgomery Preparatory Academy IRN 017259 SST Region 10
LEA Mosaic Classical Academy IRN 020728 SST Region 1
LEA Mount Auburn Preparatory Academy IRN 017274 SST Region 13
LEA Mt. Healthy Preparatory And Fitness Academy IRN 000953 SST Region 13
LEA Muskingum Valley Esc IRN 125252 SST Region 3
LEA Nelsonville-York City IRN 044446 SST Region 16
LEA New Richmond Preparatory Academy IRN 020761 SST Region 13
LEA Niles Preparatory Academy IRN 019478 SST Region 5
LEA Noble Local IRN 048900 SST Region 12
LEA North Central Ohio Esc IRN 123257 SST Region 12
LEA North Columbus Preparatory Academy IRN 017538 SST Region 11
LEA North Shore High School IRN 019220 SST Region 3
LEA North Union Local School District IRN 050336 SST Region 11
LEA Northwest Ohio Classical Academy IRN 017498 SST Region 1
LEA Norwalk City IRN 044560 SST Region 2
LEA Oak Hills Local IRN 047373 SST Region 13
LEA Ohio Deaf and Blind Education Services IRN 020863 SST Region 15
LEA Ohio Deaf and Blind Education Services IRN 020863 SST Region 11
LEA Ohio Digital Learning School IRN 017643 SST Region 1
LEA Old Brook High School IRN 012038 SST Region 3
LEA Ontario Local IRN 049478 SST Region 7
LEA Ottoville Local IRN 049387 SST Region 1
LEA Pathfinder Career Academy of Ohio IRN 020755 SST Region 3
LEA Patriot Preparatory Academy IRN 012045 SST Region 11
LEA Perrysburg Exempted Village IRN 045583 SST Region 1
LEA Pettisville Local IRN 047076 SST Region 1
LEA Plain Local IRN 049932 SST Region 9
LEA Preble County Esc IRN 049254 SST Region 11
LEA Pymatuning Valley Local IRN 045880 SST Region 5
LEA Quaker Preparatory Academy IRN 019156 SST Region 12
LEA Randall Park High School IRN 151209 SST Region 3
LEA ReGeneration Bond Hill IRN 017490 SST Region 13
LEA ReGeneration Middle School IRN 020817 SST Region 13
LEA Regent High School IRN 012036 SST Region 3
LEA Renaissance Academy IRN 011439 SST Region 11
LEA Reynoldsburg City IRN 047001 SST Region 11
LEA Richard Allen Academy IRN 133736 SST Region 13
LEA Richard Allen Preparatory IRN 133348 SST Region 10
LEA Ripley-Union-Lewis-Huntington Local IRN 046078 SST Region 14
LEA Rittman Academy IRN 000640 SST Region 9
LEA Rock Hill Local IRN 047944 SST Region 15
LEA Ross Local IRN 046144 SST Region 13
LEA Scioto County Career Technical Center IRN 051490 SST Region 10
LEA Shawnee Local IRN 045799 SST Region 6
LEA Sheffield Academy IRN 020092 SST Region 2
LEA Sidney City IRN 044784 SST Region 6
LEA Skyway Career Prep High School IRN 149302 SST Region 1
LEA Solon Academy IRN 020076 SST Region 3
LEA South Central Ohio Esc IRN 125658 SST Region 3
LEA South Columbus Preparatory Academy at Southfield IRN 019200 SST Region 11
LEA South Euclid-Lyndhurst City IRN 044792 SST Region 3
LEA Southeast Local IRN 049221 SST Region 8
LEA Southern Cleveland Drop Back Indba Innovative Career Academy IRN 012042 SST Region 3
LEA Southern Hills IRN 050799 SST Region 8
LEA Southern Ohio Career Academy IRN 020811 SST Region 15
LEA Springfield Local IRN 048371 SST Region 5
LEA Springfield Sports Academy IRN 020825 SST Region 10
LEA St Marys City IRN 044727 SST Region 6
LEA Stark High School IRN 142901 SST Region 9
LEA Steam Academy Of Warren IRN 012644 SST Region 5
LEA Steam Academy Of Warrensville Heights IRN 013147 SST Region 3
LEA Streetsboro City IRN 049239 SST Region 8
LEA Strongsville Academy IRN 020189 SST Region 3
LEA Stryker Local IRN 050658 SST Region 1
LEA Summit Academy Community School - Cincinnati IRN 000306 SST Region 2
LEA Summit Academy Community School Alternative Learners -Xenia IRN 132761 SST Region 13
LEA Summit Academy Community School Alternative Learners-Lorain IRN 133322 SST Region 10
LEA Sycamore Community City IRN 044867 SST Region 13
LEA Teays Valley Local IRN 049098 SST Region 11
LEA Tecumseh Local IRN 046243 SST Region 10
LEA The Academy For Urban Scholars IRN 012528 SST Region 11
LEA The Brilliance School IRN 013170 SST Region 3
LEA The Dayton School IRN 020293 SST Region 10
LEA The Shepard School by ECS IRN 019533 SST Region 11
LEA Tiffin City IRN 044891 SST Region 1
LEA Tomorrow Center IRN 148981 SST Region 7
LEA Townsend North Community School IRN 012867 SST Region 2
LEA Towpath Trail High School IRN 133868 SST Region 8
LEA Tri-County Esc IRN 050526 SST Region 13
LEA Trimble Local IRN 045922 SST Region 16
LEA Tri-Village Local IRN 046680 SST Region 10
LEA Unity Academy IRN 020046 SST Region 11
LEA Van Wert City IRN 044966 SST Region 1
LEA Vanguard-Sentinel Career & Technology Centers IRN 051458 SST Region 7
LEA Victory Academy of Toledo IRN 020265 SST Region 1
LEA Warren Local IRN 050500 SST Region 16
LEA Wellington Exempted Village IRN 045658 SST Region 2
LEA West Central Learning Academy Ii IRN 151175 SST Region 6
LEA West Clermont Local IRN 046359 SST Region 13
LEA West Liberty-Salem Local IRN 046219 SST Region 6
LEA Western Toledo Preparatory Academy IRN 019511 SST Region 1
LEA Westlake Academy IRN 020077 SST Region 3
LEA Youngstown Preparatory Academy IRN 019450 SST Region 5
LEA Zanesville Community School IRN 009148 SST Region 12
LEA Zenith Academy IRN 000725 SST Region 11