Specialty Mini- Seminar: Family Engagement for Student Mental Health 

Individual Professionals Path: Level 3, Option 3

The focus of this mini-seminar will be on research-based strategies to support collaboration between schools and families to promote positive mental health for students. A focus of the seminar will be on learning about positive childhood experiences and how schools and families can work together to enhance these for students to make a difference in their lives. The seminar is delivered in a flipped instructional model. You will first complete one self-paced online module to build your background knowledge related to family engagement for the specialty. Then you will join an instructor-led online workshop session to apply knowledge to your setting and collaborate with other learners.

Learning Objectives:

  • I can explain how student mental health can affect students academically, socially, and behaviorally.
  • I can describe how positive childhood experiences and protective factors buffer the effects of trauma. 
  • I can create a multi-tiered approach to family engagement plan to support student mental health. 

Outcome: The outcome of this mini-seminar is to create a multi-tiered plan for family engagement to support mental health.

Prerequisite: Multi-Tiered Family Engagement

Contact Hours: 20, equivalent to 2 Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

Digital Badge: Level 3

Cost: Free


Mini-SeminarModule Open DateModule Close DateWorkshop Date
Specializing in Family Engagement for Student Mental HealthJune 2, 2025June 9, 2025June 10, 2025

Module: Self-paced content that will be accessed through the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center website. Module will include all needed materials, assignments, and resources.

Workshop: Instructor-led online of all seminar participants featuring application of knowledge and collaboration with other learners.

Digital Badge: A digital seal that indicates proof of attained family engagement knowledge and practices from the seminar. You may place your digital badge in your email signature, social media pages, professional web page, and/or resume/CV.