Multi-Tiered Family Engagement

Individual Professionals Path: Level 2

Schools often organize their work into tiers – Universal Tier 1 strategies for all students, Tailored Tier 2 strategies for subsets of students, and Individual Tier 3 strategies for a few students. By centering families’ strengths, needs, and preferences, schools can also use a tiered approach to planning for family engagement. The seminar is delivered in three learning blocks through a flipped instructional model. For each block, you will first complete a self-paced online module to build your background knowledge of multi-tiered family engagement. Then you will join an instructor-led online workshop session to apply knowledge to your school or program. The process will repeat for two learning blocks.

Learning Objectives:

  • I can describe different tiers of support for family engagement. 
  • I can describe the roles for families in a multi-tiered approach to family engagement. 
  • I can determine family needs and opportunities for engagement at each tier.
  • I can determine school response and support strategies at each tier. 
  • I can explain why and how nondominant populations engage with schools to support their children. 
  • I can determine decision indicators for revising and adapting practices to center families’ needs and preferences. 

Outcome: The outcome of this seminar is to create a multi-tiered plan for family engagement to support student learning and development in your setting.

Prerequisite: Foundations of Family Engagement

Contact Hours: 60, equivalent to 6 Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

Digital Badge: Level 2

Cost: Free


Learning BlockModule Open DateModule Close DateWorkshop Date
Learning Block 1: A Tiered Approach to Family EngagementDecember 2, 2024December 9, 2024December 10, 2024
Learning Block 2: Really Getting to Know All Your FamiliesDecember 10, 2024December 16, 2024December 17, 2024
Learning Block 3: Adapting to Families' Needs and PreferencesDecember 17, 2024January 6, 2025January 7, 2025

Learning Block: Corresponding module and workshop. A learning block lasts approximately one (1) week.

Module: Self-paced content that will be accessed through the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center website. Module will include all needed materials, assignments, and resources.

Workshop: Instructor-led online meeting of all seminar participants featuring application of knowledge and collaboration with other learners.

Digital Badge: A digital seal that indicates proof of attained family engagement knowledge and practices from the seminar. You may place your digital badge in your email signature, social media pages, professional web page, and/or resume/CV.